
Hi all , it has been a very busy month where we are having several local projects running as well as the existing clients are asking for upgrade to version 7 but we are still exploring OpenERP version 7 , from our own

OpenERP differences

1. User interface is been greatly enhance as openERP will be releasing its preview doc, and i shall not repeat it , just to give your guys a quick review !

2. Encourage communication and collaboration

    Facebook like , and we can attached our conversation about  any particular sales , customers, suppliers , stock , purchase order , production order … including attachment of Doc from words , google docs … and will you like it ?

3. Google integration

   imagine you can sync your Google documents , create reports there … and share with others …

4. Event management moodle integration

   Moodle has been a platform for us E-global to help to launch training session for our client and with OpenERP we will do more of it !

5. And some more technical detail and will be updated as long as we learn … but for now , i saw that the view xml file have integrated html tag , h1 , header … and also there are some tag such as oe_chatter … and then the sales order object inherited from mail_ object …

it is going to be great and for us , we never launch our Malaysia Payroll system , we are porting it to version 7 and we are now installing the module and checking what is working what is not … it time to upgrade some more skill about OpenERP , the more we know , the more we enjoy about this piece of ERP software ! One of the best , bravo OpenERP !