Some may look at the Business Application market as a mature market dominated by a few large key players, with no new business opportunities, but this would be ignoring the market reality:
So many customers are frustrated with their experience with existing vendors. So many companies around the world need to have access to business applications but cannot afford them (E-global : it is especially true for Malaysia SME or most SME in ASEAN region , as we are a development country , we feel the pressure of globalization , SME do know that ICT is important to bring competency for glowing their businesses into this global market but either many of them engage team that are not competence enough to do the job which got burn themselves or simply some SME cannot even get themselves started because of budget , here we are , OpenERP Malaysia we are committed to help ! )
At OpenERP we believe that business applications should not be a luxury. That any company, in any country, should be able to afford the best tools to expand their businesses professionally. In order to do so, we need to break the existing rules of the ERPs and the Business Applications market. ( E-global :Most businesses in this region are still very skeptical towards whether Open source project can professionally serve them well than most proprietary software, well looking at Andriod PDA , Ubuntu Desktop , Centos Server just to name a few with their increasing users base , do this tell you something about the power of open source project , in fact in E-global , we can mostly survive without any proprietary software so just like OpenERP has the vision we , E-global too has the mission to help carry out this vision! And we invite you test this great platform , OpenERP )
- Customers should spend their budget wisely: We believe that customers should use their budget smartly and invest in customizing the application to their specific needs, rather than paying expensive license fees. Open Source allows this. Open source is a disruptive model because it creates more value for the customers. ( E-global Malaysia as an opensource supporter , users and service provider ourselves for a long time we can’t agreed less with this , how about you ? )
- Software is recyclable: For decades customers have developed applications which remained specific to their own needs and in the end proved extremely expensive to maintain. Open Source means that customers can benefit from past developments of other companies. Also by contributing to the evolution of the software, the users will enjoy the guarantee that their development will be included in future versions of the software. ( E-global :From a windows development to web/php development , E-global is always looking for a very good object orientated framework , we are evolving in our win/php platform with good framework ,until we came across open-object a few years back , we tried it and I have finally came to conclusion that , decision made 3 years ago is probably the best decision i ever made for E-global development platform , so are you interested to try , in fact when you interested in totally re-writing the software from scratch , we can help too! )
- Levering from the Web: Most ERP and Business Applications vendors do not leverage from the benefits of Web. At OpenERP we believe that the fact we entered this market recently is an asset. We can build a new breed of business applications, more modular, more customer friendly, fully web based, that others can’t, due to the heritage of their legacy systems.
- Engaging with customers differently: Open source also allows us to engage with our customers differently. Since there is no licensing cost, any potential customer can download the software, test it and use it if it meets its needs. We have no need for an expensive sales force to promote the product. We just need to make the best product and make it available to customers
At OpenERP we believe that we can break many barriers in this industry. We make our software available to many companies who could otherwise not afford to pay for expensive business applications license fees. We allow customers to use their money smartly and tailor the software to their individual needs. We leverage from our customer base to enrich the software and finally we eradicate any lock-in to allow our customer to use and even drop our software freely. ( We ,E-global are excited and can’t wait to see OpenERP excel in Malaysia local market to help many SME , so do come back here or get in touch with us so that we can help you! )

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