
In one word , OpenERP is AWESOME ! but as a business , most of our client rather stay at older version because some of them experiencing crashes or it break the existing customize modules , especially local Malaysia or Singapore SME OpenERP users ,

so this has caused some negative feedback from our clients , we are in the midst of preparing
a more organize bugs fixes , security patches services to manage all these issues for our customers so that they can focus their business and leave the technical stuffs to us.

We are completing some localized modules and are also managing our own OpenERP data
over the cloud (yes , we are OpenERP users as well) , so we hope by doing this , we are able
to learn to manage ourselves well and use these experiences to help our clients.

How can a company which can’t even manage themselves well is able to tell clients how they
suppose to use OpenERP to manage the operation and get improvement after using it ,
where is the proof ? Local Malaysia / Singapore SME , ask from one who propose OpenERP,
make sure they know what they proposed.

OpenERP needs some domain knowledge , technical and implementation competency , until
today , we are still learning … but one word , it is not your UBS accounting … so do not use
the same standard , same resources ( i mean time & $) to implement it , it won’t work.

OpenERP although is open source but it is an awesome piece of ERP grade software.
Hi Fellow Malaysia and Singapore SME , treat it as an ERP (I mentioned the ERP with a LOUD voice )  

Hope in anywhere to serve you or be any help to your localize Malaysia/Singapore implementation.

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