by kalmen chia | Oct 13, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
From Sep till the Oct/11 , the openerp V6.2dev is lacking ofpsutil and its related pyd/dll filesand the openerp,resources , openerp.osv and has to be manualy copied to the root server folder before it can runs and yes gdata is still missing...
by kalmen chia | Oct 11, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
So some of the Malaysia SME , you have installed your openERP and ready to go and then you found out that your Web browser page , the image just do not get displayed and you are wandering why , here go the solutions for you...
by kalmen chia | Oct 9, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
# private keyopenssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048# public keyopenssl rsa -in privkey.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pemFor more information: , for the dummy like myself , when it comes to...
by kalmen chia | Sep 27, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
Hello to all openERP Malaysia SME users , if you thinking about local online support service is not ready , let us ,the first Malaysia OpenERP partner be also the first one to annouce that if you are still considering ourrecent Cloud initiative by MSC Malaysia and...
by kalmen chia | Aug 22, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
Recently a client was asking us to customize a report which require to print images from the database , after much research which I hope my sharing can be part of a sharing to the openERP community of Malaysia , Singapore local users as well as developer from around...
by kalmen chia | Aug 9, 2012 | Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
OpenERP has recently gained a lot of heat and interest around Malaysia and Singapore , where we have been contacted by many clients for information , from a few success site implementations in Kota kinabalu , Kuching , Singapore , JB, KL and Penang , we have come to...
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